Erasmus+ projekt workshop

As we already announced, Fair-way SE is taking part in the ERASMUS+ project, that is financed by the European Union, thanks to an international cooperation. The main aim of the project is to provide opportunity for the elderly to play pickleball at a weekly basis, with this helping to satisfy the activity and social need of the elderly.

In the international project the slovenian, german, croatioan and hungarian participants help each other with their experiences. Because of COVID the first meeting was held on 24-25th September in the slovenian Krsko.

The meeting was very useful, because there were loads of experiences to share from the last season. Obviously the rackets and balls came out in more occassion during the meeting.

The project could not have happened without the support of the European Union. Thanks ERASMUS + project!


Free pickleball for teachers and health care workers

We appreciate the hard work teachers and health care workers do in these very scary times during a world wide pandemic so we offer a month of free pickleball for them.

The monthly ticket is valid for Marczibányi téri Sportcentrum in Budapest.

The ticket is valid from the first day the participant starts to play and expires after 30 days.

For more information: Zoltán Bőhm +36/30 458-1231